Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I watch To Much Youtube -____-

Have you ever had a friend or even one person who just always watches, talks about, acts out, sings, or does anything excessively about Youtube? Well I am sad to say that I am one of them. I Love to watch videos, and sometimes even make some. I can say that I am a TOTAL YOUTUBE JUNKIE! Here are some of my fav videos

E Harmony Cat Song

Harry Potter Puppet Pals Wizard Swears

Pokemon Theme Song

Yea So these are some of My favorite Youtube Videos. There re so many more that I love to, but if I posted them all I would be here until next Halloween. Enjoy these videos!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wow I am so bad at this Blogging Thing

Yet again I am back after a long time of being away. I have to tell you that I am not such a good blogger. Maybe in the future it will improve, but for now what ya see is what ya get.... If there are any people who look and read this blog that is...

Anyway there is not that much new in my ife... I found out I am allergic to the sun, I got a job, I bought my own phone,and I am tired all the time til the point of no return.

Here is a cute video of a cat lady...That's gonna be me some day if you catch my drift.


Bye for now!


Sorry that this post is so boring.... It is almost 10 at night