Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friendship shoot!!

I had a fantastic day today!! After school being over I went to a good friends house. There we ate yummy Wendy's, walked her dog,played mini lacrosse, and took cool photos! Here are some :)

This is of me doing a cartwheel. I edited this one a little to look cooler!

This one is off my friend Emily and I with her mini lacrosse sticks :)

This is off me on a tree trunk. No hands or feet!

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This one is my dear friend Emily :) She is such a great fried, and I love her dearly!!!
So all in all this was my day. And it has been the first good one in a while. I hope things stay good for long!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Never let the light out

I took and edited this picture today. I guess I'm in a deep dark soul searching mood or something. But anyways it says Never let the light out, which I think can be used many ways. For instance I never want to let the light out of my love or my heart. Anyway you can think of it could be applied to. I hope you Enjoy it!

When life give you a hit, you hit it back....harder

So I'm in a bit of a foul mood. School is starting to stress me out, the weeks go on and on and seem to never stop. The only thing that has been making me feel the least bit better is my oldies music. Yes my oldies music...... You know Pinkfloyd, Meatloaf,The Steve Miller Band, Beatles and such? I have been constantly listening to them, and I feel a little better. Everything in life at the moment is piling up and I just can't keep up. And worst of all the boy I like is umm how do I put this nicely? OH I know a Player..... -_____- This Saturday was our Spring Fling dance, even though I have no clue why they would have it now. Anyways I got all dolled up and went with my friends to the dance. I was so nervous because I wanted to ask my crush to dance. Then I turned and saw him grinding with 2 different girls at the same time... YES AT THE SAME TIME!!! Oh goodness I was really mad. I tried not to think about it and started dancing with my friends, and all of a sudden a new song comes on and "BAM" He is grinding with another girl.... Grrr this isn't what I had in mind. So it comes to the last dance of the night. I really really want to ask him to dance, and then I see him dancing with someone else. I mean how many different girls do you need to dance with? I was very sad to be honest. I can tell that my life is going to be real sucky for awhile...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How I feel now...

Lost in Time

Wow! Where has the time gone? I haven't posted in a very long time. I have totally forgotten about it to tell you the truth. Everything has been going to fast and I feel sorta lost. School has gone by right in front of my eyes(GOOD THING!) And so has my opportunities to do something I really wanted to do. I won't say what,but I'm sad about it.Anyway Last night I went to our school's Spring Fling Dance. It was awful just like the last one -___- The guy I liked was there. I always had this perception that he was sweet and nice, because every time we talked he was. But the guy I saw last night was what you could call a "PLAYER" He was grinding with 7 different girls......And I mean 7....It made me really disappointed in him. Besides that I had fun dancing with my friends :) And I'm sad that it was the last dance of the year :( But I sorta had fun and I can't wait for next year.