Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Blues

I miss summer so much. The freedom,breeze,beach,EVERYTHING about it I miss. The school days have felt like years and years, and I am just so tired with it. Homework, projects, tests, final exams, when will it all end? Well according to a countdown there are 26 days left... I can't wait that long for school to be over.
I want the warm sunshine, trips to the beach, bike rides on the paths, and those long summer nights. Oh goodness now I am thinking about Grease..

Anyway now that I got that out of my system, I just though that you should all know how much I miss summer and want it to come back. The day summer comes I swear to you that I will scream and throw my papers in the air like all those high school kids do in movies when the bell rings on that last day of school. Hallelujah sweet summer is here!!!
I don't really have any plans yet. I am pretty sure that I am going to go to camp Pondicherry which is a girl scout camp. I have been going there for ages, and I really love it there. The cabins have no walls and our bunks have bug nets over them so we don't get "EATIN ALIVE" by bugs. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate spiders and Misquotes? Well I hate them a lot.... There are a lot of activities at the camp like arts n' crafts, swimming, OLS which stands for outdoor living skills, Archery, drama, and a lot more. The food is ok, not the best I have ever had but it is ok. The staff come from all over the world, and they are great. If you live in Maine you should give a look into it, because it is a great place to go!
I also may be getting a job. My brother talked to his boss and is trying to hook me up with at a catering place. I am very excited about this opportunity! It has a great pay and hours so I will be able to go places during the summer. I hope the job works out, because I would love to do it!
So what are your plans for the summer? Are you doing anything interesting like trips or camps? I would love to hear what you are all up to! Remember to follow my blog and tell your friends!

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